Fast, affordable Internet access for all.
D.C. Screening and Discussion Rescheduled: "Do Not Pass Go" on March 26th
Winter has not been kind this year. In addition to interrupting our kids’ learning with numerous snow days, stranding the Minnesota office in our homes due to dangerously cold weather, and interrupting our typically prolific workflow with day after day of shoveling, minor ice related traffic accidents, and sick kids, there’s one other unforgivable offense that rests square on the shoulders of Mother Nature: the cancellation of the D.C. screening of Do Not Pass Go. An impending winter storm forced the cancellation of the event, which was scheduled for February 20th. The organizers are ready to try again, however, and the new event date is March 26th, 2019, 5 - 7 p.m. The venue will be the same — the offices of the National League of Cities/National Association of Counties at 660 North Capitol Street NW.
Register for the free screening and the discussion.
The Coalition for Local Internet Choice (CLIC), Next Century Cities, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), and the National League of Cities (NLC), will lead the discussion about the film and the policies that influence the events of the film and the people living in Pinetops, North Carolina.
Do Not Pass Go, a documentary by Cullen Hoback, tells the story of Pinetops, where the community finally obtained high-quality Internet access when their neighbor, Wilson, connected Pinetops to Greenlight. The Greenlight community fiber optic network later had to disconnect Pinetops, however, when the state chose to protect incumbents from competition. Hoback’s film tells the Pinetops story and examines how lack of competition has negatively impacted rural communities.
After the screening, the group will discuss regulatory and legislative barriers, and actions that local and federal government can adopt to help communities that consider municipal networks an option.
The panel will include:
- Christopher Mitchell from ILSR
- Terry Huval: Former Director, Lafayette Utilities System, Lafayette, LA
- Suzanne Coker Craig: Managing Director, CuriosiTees of Pinetops LLC; former Commissioner, Pinetops, NC
After the panel discussion, stick around for the Networking Reception to continue the conversation and share experiences.
With any luck, we’ll have Mother Nature on our side and her calmest spring weather.
Register now for the free screening, panel discussion, and reception.
Watch the trailer: