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Consider Affordable Broadband State-By-State - Episode 635 of the Community Broadband Bits Podcast

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New York City Expands Free Wireless, But Missed Opportunities Loom Large

New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently unveiled plans to improve public safety, housing, and the overall livability of the Big Apple, which includes $6 million in new funding to expand the New York Public Library’s (NYPL) “Neighborhood Internet” network. But the effort still remains a far cry from the bolder, bigger, “master plan” initiative scrapped by the Adams administration in 2022.

Lack Of Progress, Transparency Mar Augusta County, Virginia Fiber Partnership

In Virginia, a partnership with a local private ISP and several nearby cooperatives to finally expand affordable fiber into long unserved portions of eight predominantly rural Virginia counties doesn’t appear to be working out all that well for Augusta County. All Points Broadband originally claimed it would have 267 miles of new fiber optic cable installed in Augusta County by the end of the 2024 calendar year. That hasn’t happened yet, and nobody appears to know why.

Wadsworth, Ohio Converting City-Owned Broadband Network From Coaxial To Fiber

Wadsworth, Ohio officials say they’re making steady progress on the expansion of a city-owned broadband network that’s extending affordable fiber connectivity to the city’s nearly 25,000 residents. Originally a coaxial-based network, the city now says it’s in the process of delivering Wi-Fi to many city residents while they go block-by-block removing older coaxial cable and upgrading residents to more future-proof fiber optic connectivity.

Conexon Connect Completes First Major Florida Fiber Deployment

Conexon Connect has completed its first fiber to the home project in Florida, a 2,000-mile network launched in partnership with Escambia River Electric Cooperative (EREC). Conexon noted that this was the sixth fiber project they’ve completed nationwide with fiber Internet access being delivered to 12,000 EREC members.

Bolt Broadband One Of Many Winners In Latest Oklahoma ARPA Grants

In the Northeastern part of Oklahoma, the OBO says it has partnered with several providers on fiber expansion, including a $1.4 million grant doled out to BOLT Fiber, a subsidiary of Northeast Rural Services, which is a division of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative. The cooperative’s pricing – especially gigabit – is notably lower than what’s seen in many U.S. coastal urban markets, where a lack of competition among regional monopolies has driven up the cost of access while driving down service reach, speed, and overall quality.

New York Awards $13.1 Million In New Low Income Housing Broadband Grants

New York State officials have unveiled the first round of broadband deployment grants made possible by the state’s $100 million Affordable Housing Connectivity Program (AHCP). The plan aims to drive affordable fiber and cheap Wi-Fi to low-income state residents trapped on the wrong side of the digital divide.

North Dakota Nearing 100 Percent Fiber Connectivity

In one of the most rural parts of the U.S., North Dakota is close to being the first state in the nation where every home and business has - or will soon have - access to fiber service, the gold standard of Internet connectivity. State broadband office claims $130 million from the infrastructure law will be enough to reach all of its broadband serviceable locations with fiber.