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Wired for Good: Exploring Rural Connectivity in West Virginia - Episode 597 of the Community Broadband Bits Podcast

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Read the Institute for Local Self-Reliance's 2021 Annual Report

In 2021, as many large corporations took advantage of the pandemic to increase their outsized sway over our economy and our democracy, we’ve seen a growing movement for change across the country. Elected officials, advocates, and individuals like you are seeking out ways to build stronger, more equitable, and more sustainable communities.

Alexandria, Virginia Moves Forward with I-Net, Looks to Kick Comcast to the Curb

Alexandria, Virginia (pop. 158,000) is building out an institutional network (I-Net) not only to save local government money, but in the hopes that the move will bring residents fast, reliable Internet access by offering additional conduit to a private Internet Service Provider (ISP) as a way to incent more broadband competition.