Fast, affordable Internet access for all.
Digital divide: Broadband access in Alabama by Greg Privett, Waay TV
Buying PG&E’s distribution network could also make municipal broadband possible by Preston Rhea, San Francisco Examiner
Time to provide real broadband service by Grant Beltrami, Napa Valley Register
Alternatives to getting broadband internet in Nevada County by Erika Kosina, The Union
Lakeland, Fla., invites resident feedback on broadband by Sara-Megan-Walsh, The Ledger
Tallahassee broadband study likely to be completed by December by Karl Etters, Tallahassee Democrat
Georgia rural broadband situation worse than FCC maps showed, new mapping underway by Emma Hurt, WABE
7-town Broadband Committee meets with ConnectME head by Mary Ellen Barnes, Boothbay Register
FairlawnGig fiber boosts regional economy by Marsha Zager, Broadband Communities
Home prices rose 8.7 percent in the first year after the network went live and 8.5 percent the following year; although not all the increase is attributable to FairlawnGig, home prices in the surrounding county rose by only 1.9 percent. Homes in Fairlawn stay on the market for an average of only six days, also unusual by local standards.
Why are we still waiting on broadband? By Jennifer Woofter, Roanoke Times
This island town is building a public broadband network. Is it a model for bridging digital divide? By Monica Nickelsburg, GeekWire
“The Internet of things is coming and although we don’t know exactly — really we don’t even know vaguely — what the world will look like in 2050, it’s going to require high-speed connectivity,” said Jim Lemberg, the manager of the Anacortes broadband project.
To challenge FCC’s bad broadband maps, groups demand a regular process by Ryan Johnston, StateScoop
Better broadband mapping needs granularity, shapefiles, industry leaders tell Hill by Gary Arlen, Broadcasting & Cable
For state CIOs, broadband an essential and pressing challenge, StateScoop
Iowa receives $26.2 million in emergency education relief to expand broadband access, Discover Muscatine
Little-known Internet network plans Western Colorado expansion to link students, nonprofits to supercomputers by Tamara Chuang, Colorado Sun
Partnerships can close the digital divide by Apoorva Pasricha & Kevin Frazier, GovTech
Mohave Electric Cooperative moves forward to build fiber optic network in partnership with TWN Communications, Cision PR Newswire