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The 2022 Midwest Peering Summit is July 26th
The Midwest Peering Summit is in Des Moines, Iowa this year on July 26th, with participants able to hear from industry veterans and Internet Exchange (IX) operators on a range of topics, from improving efficiencies and performance, to last-mile deployments, to distributed architecture.
The event begins at 11am, with panels scattered throughout the day, and a reception at the end of the day.
The event will feature speakers from Internet Exchange carriers of a variety of sizes from from all over the midwestt, nationally and globally, as well as vendors and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Familiar names include MICE, Hurricane Electric, South Front Networks, US Intenet, Vatnage Point, and many more.
See the full list of speakers and participants here, and register for the Midwest Peering Summit here.
Check out the full schedule here.