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Consider Affordable Broadband State-By-State - Episode 635 of the Community Broadband Bits Podcast

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Paul Bunyan Communications Payout To Members Is Not A Tall Tale

The northern Minnesota telephone cooperative, which serves 30,000 members across its 6,000-square-mile service area, has announced it is returning over $3 million to its members this year. This most recent payout isn’t Paul Bunyan Communications first, or largest. In 2022, members were returned $6.3 million and in 2018 it was $2.2 million.

Shot Clock Winding Down on ARPA Funds For Broadband Projects

Communities looking to leverage American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for broadband or other local infrastructure need to act soon or risk losing access to a once-in-a-generation funding resource. Most ARPA recipients seem well aware of the deadline, but data suggests more than a few communities could drop the ball.

Maine Awards $9.6 Million For Fiber In Lincoln, Waldo Counties

The Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) has unveiled $9.6 million in new grant awards to help bring affordable fiber to over 15,000 homes and businesses across 12 widely underserved communities in the Pine Tree state. The grants will primarily be focused on leveraging public-private partnerships to drive fiber into unserved locations in Waldo and Lincoln Counties.

NDIA Launches New Program to Recognize Indigenous Digital Inclusion Initiatives

The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) has announced a new initiative, Seven Star Communities, to highlight the excellent work being done by Native communities to “strengthen self-determination and close the digital divide through sustainable digital inclusion work.” Increasingly, Native nations are advancing digital inclusion priorities and programs that foreground self-determination and sovereignty.

Oakland Secures $15 Million Grant To Bring Broadband Into Underserved Neighborhoods

Oakland, California will use ARPA grant funds to construct a city-owned, open-access, hybrid middle mile/last mile fiber network that will support the city housing authority's “Free Internet Initiative.” The Oakland project not only paves the way for the city to connect 14 community anchor institutions (CAIs) and nine public safety buildings, it will also expand high-speed Internet access to thousands of unserved and underserved addresses in West and East Oakland.

Tribes, Cooperatives, and Counties Nab $1.4 Million In New Mexico Grants

The New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) has awarded $1.4 million in grants to 15 counties, tribal communities, cooperatives, and municipalities for planning, engineering and grant writing to expand broadband access. The funding not only allows these communities to begin analyzing their local connectivity needs in more detail, it potentially opens the door to helping them apply for more than $675 million in BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Development) grants.

Fort Collins Municipal Network Celebrates 20,000 Subscriber Milestone

Fort Collins, Colorado's award-winning municipal fiber network is celebrating its growth by giving away a year of free Internet access to 20 randomly chosen subscribers. Buoyed by its successes, Fort Collins has since started striking intergovernmental agreements with unserved neighboring communities in Larimer County in a bid to further extend affordable access to locals long-neglected by regional monopolies.

Brownsville, Texas is Lit and Ready To Launch Into The Future

As Brownsville, Texas continues to make progress on an ambitious revitalization initiative, it is now transforming the digital landscape along the border with a citywide fiber network to bring fast, reliable, and affordable Internet service to its nearly 200,000 residents. The effort is being launched on the back of a city-owned middle mile fiber backbone and a partnership with Lit Fiber to build out last mile service, operating as Lit Fiber BTX.

Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative Seeks Relief From Ongoing CAF II Mess

EMPOWER Broadband, a subsidiary of Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative, is asking the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to waive financing requirements attached to the provider’s takeover of thousands of subsidized broadband locations from RiverStreet Networks. It’s a move the cooperative says will save it millions of dollars in errant additional penalties and puts a spotlight on the ongoing challenges facing a program that has long been criticized for dysfunction and mismanagement.